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Lemmas of web site
- The concept of "two books" in Christian tradition
- "Biblical Anthropocentrism" and Christian Foundations of Human-Nature Relationships
- "Evolutionary Religious Studies" and Orthodox theology about the essence of spiritual culture: confrontation or dialogue?
- The riddle of the Neanderthal man
- Moscow Theological Academy: interuniversity cooperation in the field of natural sciences
- Modern concepts of space and time: the natural and apologetic aspect
- Cosmogony and cosmology: alpha, omega and ultimate questions
- To the question of building the Orthodox natural-scientific apologetics of the 21st century.
- Biblical Hexameron in the Educational Process of Modern School
- Biblical view on the phenomenon of scientific and technological progress: Noah's ark or the Tower of Babel?
- The experience of biblical and theological interpretation of the realities of modern evolutionary anthropology
- Protestant ethics and issues of modern biomedicine: critical analysis
- The phenomenon of biological life as the "ultimate issue" in theology and science of the XXI century
- On the problems of "evolution theology" at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries.
- Evaluation of Cloning by Catholic Church: Critical Analysis Experience
- The history and logic of relationship between science, philosophy and theology
- Creationism and evolutionism. Methodological analysis of confrontation. Is man commensurate to God or monkey?
- Patristic concept of human eidos
- Church Tradition on the problem of human fetus "animation"
- Anthropic principle in the universe: an attempt of Orthodox comprehension
- Correlating Hexameron and science: the problem of two vectors of time
- Psychoanalytic interpretations of personality, religion and culture in the light of Orthodox ethics
- Commonwealth of Theology and Philology
- Cloning: Orthodox answer to the next challenge of dehumanization
- Transplantology and Orthodox Ethics
- G. Galilei and M.V. Lomonosov: interpretation of the Holy Scripture
- Inadequacy of the theistic evolution and young earth creationism models: what are the reasons? Part 4. Alternative models
- Biogenetic technologies in the light of the Orthodox doсtrine
- Cycles in Orthodoxy and Natural Science
- Modern scientific cosmology and Orthodox theology
- Nature as the second Revelation
- Holistic knowledge is the goal of education
- Science and religion at the turn of the third millennium
- Biosemiotical argument for the design of living systems
- Synergy of Science and Theology: The Experience of Analogy
- Disastrous effect of the fall and the nature laws
- Young earth creationism and the problem of time
- Contradictions between theistic evolution and the "two books"