Creationism and evolutionism. Methodological analysis of confrontation. Is man commensurate to God or monkey?

  1. Lemma
  2. Креационизм и эволюционизм. Методологический анализ противостояния. Богу или обезьяне соразмерен человек?
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction
  6. 13-05-2010
  7. Курашов Владимир [Author]. Creationism and evolutionism. Methodological analysis of confrontation. Is man commensurate to God or monkey?
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Evolution
    1. In the article the author raises the question of the need for a holistic interdisciplinary approach to critical interpretation of theories of evolution and self-organization of matter: in the most diverse aspects - methodological, worldview, philosophical, and at various levels - cosmological, biological, anthropological, social.

      The error of almost all evolutionary supporters is the neglect of the K.Popper's falsification methodological principle, Kurashov believes. From the scientific methodological point of view evolutionary doctrines are doomed to the eternal status of hypotheses, or assumptions, nothing more. The author claims that from the gnoseogical, epistemological, ontological, ethical, eschatological and psychological points of view, we must discuss the relationship, not the confrontation between the systems of scientific and religious knowledge