Biblical view on the phenomenon of scientific and technological progress: Noah's ark or the Tower of Babel?

  1. Lemma
  2. Библейский взгляд на феномен научно-технического прогресса: ноев ковчег или вавилонская башня?
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox view on technology and engineering
  6. 11-11-2011
  7. Мумриков, Олег A. [Author]. Biblical view on the phenomenon of scientific and technological progress: Noah's ark or the Tower of Babel?
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. technology and spirituality
    1. The present time is considered an era of rapid scientific, technological and information development, besides being a time of increasing confrontations between good and evil. The mission of modern Orthodox theology very often consists of the fact that, without denying the development of human reason and creativity, thus the "mechanisms" of earthly and material progress, should underline that the heavenly ideal is transfiguration.

      Scientific and technological progress in the biblical-Christian sense has its purpose not in order to serve the passions of the fallen person, but to be the path to the righteous earth, i.e. to Christ. The criteria for the effectiveness of service of this most important case are, initially, love - "let everything be done with love" (1 Cor 16:14) - implying responsibility for the universe and for what we bring into it, including scientific and technological progress - and secondly, the fruits of this very activity, for "by their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:20).