Holistic knowledge is the goal of education

  1. Lemma
  2. Целостное знание – цель образования
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 21-06-2016
  7. Морозова Елена [Author]. Holistic knowledge is the goal of education
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Russian education system - Evolution - post-non-classical scientific paradigma
    1. http://www.bogoslov.ru/text/4942953.html
    1. The article by Elena Morozova, PhD in Chemistry, is devoted to the principles of formation of integral systemic content of natural science education.

      As the author notes, the theoretical models that science operates on increasingly distance from reality of the surrounding world, scientific knowledge loses integrity, which also has an impact on public ideology. "Rejection of God, of His determining role in the world is the cause of knowledge distortion at all historical stages of science existence."

      The study of natural sciences gives knowledge about the regularities of phenomena in systems of the surrounding world, necessary for human life. It is possible to obtain this knowledge due to the constancy of these phenomena, the author believes. Constancy, the author claims, is a distinctive property of not only individual substances, specific systems and the entire universe, but also of the Creator Himself. His constancy determines all the patterns and universal interconnectedness of phenomena in the universe, which exists thanks to Him, the Almighty.

      Darwin's systemic error, the author believes, is that he did not choose the constancy of life as a system-forming factor, consisting in constant reproduction of typical features of living beings "by species and genus". Instead, he chose the factor of variability of species in the process of growth and development, which cannot be system-forming, since it does not allow to detect significant differences in living organisms.

      Obviously, writes the author, it is impossible to achieve the integrity and systematic character of knowledge when studying theoretical models based on the principles of the modern post-nonclassical paradigm. Only the teacher can help students.

      The author presents his own course "Introduction to Natural Science" on the basis of general chemistry, the content of which has been tested by the author during 12 years of teaching. Among the principles of the course are: the opportunity to show the manifestations of scientific laws on real human experience, the correlation of the laws of various sciences with the universal laws of the universe expressed in the constancy of phenomena. Such transformations, the author believes, are possible when presenting practically all the natural sciences main sections and, undoubtedly, will contribute to a holistic perception of subject content by students.