The experience of biblical and theological interpretation of the realities of modern evolutionary anthropology

  1. Lemma
  2. Опыт библейско-богословского осмысления реалий современной эволюционной антропологии
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Co-existence
  6. 26-02-2012
  7. Мумриков, Олег A. [Author]. "Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them": the experience of biblical and theological interpretation of the realities of modern evolutionary anthropology
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Evolution - Bible narrative of Creation
    1. The author poses an important question for theological science: how to understand the anthropology array of facts that evidences evolutionary anthropogenesis? Patristic texts reveal the theology of "the coats of skins"  and lead us, from the author's point of view, to the solution of the question posed: upon investigating the related genetic, physiological and anatomical continuity of animals and humans, in reality, science deals exclusively with a person already expelled from Eden. Studying his physical nature, clothed in "coats of skins", natural science is quite natural and "legitimately" draws certain conclusions about the evolutionary, historical relationship with the primates.

      However, from the point of view of Orthodox theology, these conclusions are not ontologically related to the primordial Adam and his descendants, since in themselves there is one of the paradoxical consequences of the ancestors' fall: the godlikeness is not destroyed, but becomes as if secondarily to the likeness of "livestock of the field". 'Being outside of Eden and existing autonomously from the Creator, it is impossible to penetrate deeply into the mystery of one's own origin', claims the author. If the Book of Nature gave an exhaustive knowledge of our origin, there would be no need for a Supernatural revelation, given by the Holy Spirit through His chosen prophets.