Biosemiotical argument for the design of living systems

  1. Lemma
  2. Биосемиотический аргумент в пользу дизайна живых систем
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Mutual dependence - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 2016
  7. Селенский Евгений [Author]. Biosemiotical argument for the design of living systems
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. semiotic system - Information theory
    1. The author of the article is a Sourozh Diocese clergyman and PhD in Physics and Math, who is more than 16 years professionally engaged in artificial intelligence investigation. The article represents the scientific hypothesis that living organisms have an intellectual origin being complexly organized semiotic systems, and the prospects of this hypothesis.

      The author shows that the protein synthesis system is semiotic. Consequently, all living organisms are semiotic systems. According to information theory, events such as the appearance of the cell nucleus, multicellular, the development of strongly different kingdoms and types of living beings, the sex differentiation of highly organized eukaryotes, the supply of organisms with multiple subsystems of fail-safe duplication, consist in generating amounts of functional information so large that the key influence of non-intellectual factors (including evolutionary nature factors) are statistically excluded. Meanwhile, the only reliable source capable of generating those large amounts of functional information known by science is intellect.

      In full accordance with scientific methodology, experimental data confirming the ability of an intelligent agent to create semiotic systems are hypothetically generalized to the case of biological systems, the reliable origin of which is unknown to science.

      Despite the biosemiotic argument as it is does not exclude the existence of evolutionary processes in biosphere, it makes one look at the problem of biological evolution practical potential in a new way. The accumulated scientific data no longer fit into existing abiogenesis and evolutionary models, states the author.