Inadequacy of the theistic evolution and young earth creationism models: what are the reasons? Part 4. Alternative models

  1. Lemma
  2. Неадекватность моделей теистической эволюции и младоземельного креационизма: в чём причины? Часть 4. Альтернативные модели
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Co-existence - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation
  6. 17-03-2016
  7. Иваненков Василий [Author]. Inadequacy of the theistic evolution and young earth creationism models: what are the reasons? Part 4. Alternative models
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Evolution - Time
    1. In this concluding article, the author considers two-vector correlation models, which, in his opinion, are more adequate than ET, Young Earth Creationism and Middle Earth Creationism to reflect the content of the "two books" - the Holy Scripture and the "nature book".

      Since time is a part of creation and is inextricably linked with space into a single entity - space-time, it is natural to assume that along with all the space and material objects of the primordial universe (with the exception of paradise) the "curse" has been subjected all the time - from the beginning of the first " day "and until the moment of expulsion of people from paradise in the seventh" day ".

      The object for modeling can be only phenomenology (but not the mechanism) of the transition from the primordial being to the fallen, the author believes. The "curse of the earth" following the fall was manifested in the fact that 2TL began to operate and the "arrow of time" of the primordial world acquired a new direction corresponding to the increase of entropy. Changing the direction of the time vector from the primordial to the perishable, starting from the point of the "beginning", means the start of the fallen world existence and the consequent appearance of objects created in the 1st - 6th "days" of creation in it.

      In relation to the first people, who are in the seventh "day," the submission of creatures is "vanity," i.e. to the 2TL, refers to the past, but not to the future tense. These events were not accompanied by an increase in time for Adam and Eve, and therefore from their point of view they occurred instantly. At the same time, for a hypothetical observer in a fallen world, the consistent appearance of objects created in a primordial world stretched for 14 billion years.

      The author draws attention to the substantial similarity of his model and N.S.Serebryakov’s model, despite the fact that for their construction, the authors used different approaches - theological and natural-scientific.