Church Tradition on the problem of human fetus "animation"

  1. Lemma
  2. Церковное Предание о проблеме «одушевления» человеческого зародыша
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine
  6. 6-05-2011
  7. Климик Иван [Author]. Church Tradition on the problem of human fetus "animation"
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. soul - body
    1. The author of the article analyzes various teachings of the Holy Fathers about the time and the way the soul appears in the human body. "Holy Fathers (especially St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Maximus the Confessor) provided a number of undeniable arguments in favor of simultaneous formation of the soul and body in human conception, which no longer leave space for any additional doubt on this issue".

      Thus, deliberate abortion at any stage of fetal development or human manipulation, leading to the death of human embryos, is the sin of murder, in terms of Orthodox theology. "Condemnation also falls into the cases when manipulations with the risk for the life of embryos are made, for the death of an embryo in this case will mean an unintentional murder, which is also unacceptable. In addition, an example of unacceptable manipulation is the so-called therapeutic cloning, in which human embryos are grown for the stem cells needed to restore a specific organ of the patient, and after being removed, the fetus dies. There may be other similar cases of manipulation with human embryos, leading to their death. "