Contradictions between theistic evolution and the "two books"

  1. Lemma
  2. Противоречия между теистической эволюцией и "двумя книгами"
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 5-2-2016
  7. Иваненков Василий [Author]. Inadequacy of the theistic evolution and young earth creationism models: what are the reasons? Part 1: Contradictions between theistic evolution theory and the "two books"
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Theistic evolution - Bible - interpretations
    1. Series of Vasily Ivanenkov’s articles (PhD in biology) are devoted to the problem of correlation of the Biblical creation story and science. What are the reasons for disagreement between the Biblical and scientific views on the origin of the universe? Do they reflect the real, objective contradictions between the "two books", or the conflict causes are based on the erroneous interpretation of Genesis and the "book of nature"? These issues are examined through the example of the two most famous reference models - theistic evolution and young earth creationism.

      The first article focuses on theistic evolution concept presented in the book of famous American physician and scientist, geneticist, the director of National Health Institute Francis Collins «The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief». According to this concept reflecting the dominating scientific views on the world origin, the Universe emerged from obscurity about 14 billion years ago in a "Big Bang", and species - in a process of gradual evolution. To reconcile the Biblical creation story with this picture of the world, fourteen billion years of history of the universe from the Big Bang to the appearance of anatomically modern humans (about two hundred thousand years ago) are identified with six biblical days of creation in theistic evolution model.

      The author criticizes the theistic evolution theory. He points out that, first, it is in conflict with the Bible. The theistic evolution theory is missing some very important for biblical worldview points:

      1) disastrous consequences of the fall,

      2) completion of the world creation by the 7th day,

      3) the perfection and harmony of the created world,

      4) absence of predation in primordial world,

      5) supernatural creation of the first people,

      6) human nature damage as a result of the fall,

      7) God did not create death.

      At the same time, the evolutionary view of the world according to Ivanenkov is still in conflict with the "Book of Nature". First, it contradicts to the most important biological law that “Omnis cellula e cellula” - “every cell (comes) from (another pre-existing) cell”. Second, it does not explain the increase in complexity of living systems (natural selection as a mechanism of survival of the most adjusted should lead to simplification and not to complication of the life forms). Finally, it is contrary to the systemic principle of the living systems’ irreducible complexity. Biological systems are composed of several well-adjusted interacting parts participating in the main functioning, and the removal of any part makes the system non-functional. Such a system cannot be created by means of small modifications of the predecessor system, because any predecessor missing any of the parts will be by definition a non-functional (Behe, M. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. Touchstone, 1998).