Psychoanalytic interpretations of personality, religion and culture in the light of Orthodox ethics

  1. Lemma
  2. Психоаналитические трактовки личности, религии и культуры в свете православной этики
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis - Modes of interaction > Conflict
  6. 16-04-2018
  7. Агафангел, игумен (Гагуа) [Author]. Psychoanalytic interpretations of personality, religion and culture in the light of Orthodox ethics
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Personality
    1. The article presents the Orthodox point of view on psychoanalysis and explains in detail how destructively it affects the traditional understanding of personality as the God creature.

      The author believes that in psychoanalysis attempts were made to penetrate into the sphere of unconscious mental life which resulted in a fairly superficial theory of personality that gave the reasons and grounds to justify advanced experiments on man – up to "genomic research." Psychoanalytic theory of personality has given impetus to the development of the secular world, which contributed to the formation of modern biomedical concepts related to biotechnology research and experiments.

      In the light of Orthodox ethics "this kind of concepts are contrived and artificially modeled projects, displacing in a godless twentieth century the Christian doctrine of man with its deep roots in evangelical, apostolic and patristic teaching of the Orthodox Church," says the author.

      However, according to the author, Orthodoxy can develop a productive approach to psychoanalytic theory of culture, techniques and concepts of creativity, and to methods of therapeutic practice in psychoanalysis.