Synergy of Science and Theology: The Experience of Analogy

  1. Lemma
  2. Синергия науки и богословия: опыт аналогии
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Mathematics - Complementarity
  6. 2010
  7. Калинин Ярослав [Author]. Synergy of Science and Theology: The Experience of Analogy
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. complex numbers
    1. Through a variety of complex numbers the author demonstrates the harmonious (synergetic) nature of the science and theology interaction in human cognition of visible creature, and through it of the Creator.

      The plane, as the author explains, corresponds to a single whole human knowledge, the vertical axis points to theology, and the horizontal axis to science. Thus, the imaginary coordinates of complex numbers (along the vertical axis) are directed up towards heaven, like theology investigates the unworldly, and the real components of complex numbers (along the horizontal axis) always remain “on the earth”, like science that builds the picture of Creation. The infinite rush upwards the vertical axis of pure imaginary numbers corresponds to the infinity of God investigating, and the real numbers’ infinity of growth along the horizontal axis represents the infinite improving of the world scientific picture, never able to reach the depth of the original.

      The complex numbers (from the Latin “complex” - closely connected), formed of two components, on the one hand, are inseparable, which represents the penetration of the created world by the uncreated acts (ένέργεια) of God, and on the other hand, are non-coherent, which is the image of a qualitative difference between the created nature and the God actions, by Which everything lives and moves and exists.

      Thus, the author explains, every created object to be cognized (be it a drop of water or the unconscious area) has both a created nature (which corresponds to the real part of the complex number) and is permeated with the God uncreated energies (which correspond to the imaginary part of the complex number). At the same time, the true science while studying this subject goes up from the creature to the Creator, and the theology serves to deification of this object, elevating it to the designing plan of the Creator.