Young earth creationism and the problem of time

  1. Lemma
  2. Младоземельный креационизм и проблема времени
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 19-2-2016
  7. Иваненков Василий [Author]. Inadequacy of the theistic evolution and young earth creationism models: what are the reasons? Part 2: Young earth creationism and the problem of time
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. Creationism - Bible narrative of Creation - Time
    1. In his second article V.V. Ivanenkov criticizes the concept of "young earth creationism” popular in Protestant circles and known in Russia due to the deacon Daniel Sysoev. The theory is developed particularly by Creation Research Society (CRS) established in 1963 in the US and the Institute for Creation Research organized in 1972 also in the US. The theory maintains literal interpretation of the Six Bible creation Days as six days of 24 hours, similar to the present days. The Universe, including Earth, man and all the living nature "genera", was created by God in six "days", as described in Genesis (Gen. 1-2), and exists no more than 10 thousand years. The main layers of sedimentary rocks appeared after the fall and the "earth damnation" in the process of global inundation – the Flood, which lasted about a year.

      The author points out that the concept is in irreconcilable contradiction, first, with the "book of nature" interpreted by means of scientific knowledge. Many Young Earth Creationism aspects are contrary to the scientific knowledge. Ivanenkov discusses three problems: the problem of stellar light, radioisotope dating of zircon crystals and the problem of non-mixed fossils in sediments. He indicates the YEC adherents’ attempts to resolve these issues have failed.

      In addition Ivanenkov reveals substantial contradictions with the Bible and patristic writings to be found in the theory in spite of the YEC supporters’ sincere attempts to concord their views with the Holy Scripture. Using the concept of fallen world time category in American creationism theory to describe the primordial world and the Six Days of creation gives a wrong interpretation of the Scripture. As mentioned by Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), "Six Days of Creation was not a natural process. They are the essence of what happened before all the world natural processes started".