Modes of interaction > Integration
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Lemmas of category
- Elena Sadovnikova: doubt, faith and science
- Every scientist sees the amazing arrangement of the world
- Science does not ask the question of why humanity exists
- The thirst for contact with the higher mind is a very human property
- Religion and science in European culture: the dynamics of the ratio of cognitive practices
- Russian civilization and Orthodoxy: the dialectics of their relationship and development prospects
- Christianity created science
- Religion and science
- Science, philosophy, religion - a dialogue
- Science believed in a miracle
- Patristic references in the dialogue between theology and science
- Science needs the "hypothesis of God"
- The religious universe we live in
- Two-level ontological model of a living being
- What is reality?
- Orthodoxy and science on the eve of the third millennium
- Why do scientists believe in God
- Introduction to natural science
- God's world in physicist' eyes
- Abbot Job (Talatz): On What Gagarin Said about God, on Astronauts’ Faith and on Why an Abbot Needs Weightlessness
- Act of nomination and its metaphysical prerequisites
- Psychology had not ever studied man as a whole
- Theology of dialogue. Relationships in the Impersonal World
- Spiritual roots of the fundamental science
- The paradoxical man: the view of science and the view of faith
- Yuri Gagarin’s Flight Took Place on the Day of the Commemoration of St. John of the Ladder
- The Problem of the Correlation Between Religious and Scientific Knowledge
- Orthodox Theology & science. Apologetical and patristic approach.
- Philosophical and Methodological Basis of the Scholastic Discipline “Science and Religion” (within the Framework of Religious Studies)
- The Science of Believers or the Faith of Scientists: The Age of XX
- Deacon Sergius Krivovichev
- The Phenomenon of Adam. Experimental Archeology about Man Before the Flood
- The Three Hierarchs, founders of Orthodoxy
- Science and astrology
- The humanism of secularization
- Autonomous reason and spiritual reason: the encounter with reality
- Church and science
- Orthodox Psychotherapy is the healing of the soul through the soul
- Organ transplantation
- Father Dumitru Stăniloae’s theology of creation and the modern cosmological perspectives
- Theonomic cosmology – A perspective on Christian cosmology
- The vision of orthodox theology on the controversy creationism-evolutionism: elements for a discourse on the method
- Christian faith and medicine
- The relationship between theology and science in modernity and postmodernity
- “Orthodox Christian libraries” course in the system of education for librarians-information technicians (based on experience of the Institute of Arts and Culture of Tomsk State University).
- Transdisciplinary Reality – merging the horizons of Theology, Science and Philosophy
- Guiding and Protective Entities. From the Egyptian Gods Anubis and Wepwawet to Some Possible Semitic and Christian Counterparts.
- Changing the paradigm in cosmology. The opportunities and the risks of a dialogue between science and Orthodox theology .
- Created and uncreated energies. A transdisciplinary approach.
- The dynamics of Europe's cultural borders determined by translating the sacred text, the Holy Bible
- Entrepreneurship as a bridge between science and Orthodoxy
- Theology, transdisciplinarity and physics. A new logic for interreligious dialogue.
- The Divine Fire in All Things”- Orthodox Cosmology in Dialogue with Science
- Only bad science rejects religion, only foolish religion rejects science
- Science confirms the intuitions of the Saints
- The technological era and the spiritual meanings of the world
- The absurdity of astrology
- Transplantations and brain death
- The St. Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain and his relation with science
- Philosophy of physics and philosophy of religion
- A study of Maximus the Confessor: The dialectical contradiction of freedom and necessity
- Instances of epistemological confusion between academic and ecclesiastical theological edification
- Theology and science of religion: The meaning and the absurdity of a conflict
- The theological aesthetics of icons and their ecumenical significance
- The reception of the Enlightenment in Greece
- The ecclesiasm of Hellenism
- Religion and dualism in modern natural philosophy: Metaphysical motives in the philosophy of religion of modern physics
- Eastern morality and Western technique: Issues on natural philosophy of religion
- Russian Orthodoxy Resurgent: Faith and Power in the New Russia