What is reality?
- Lemma
- Что есть реальность?
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Modes of interaction > Integration
- 2014
- Копейкин, Кирилл [Author]. What is reality? Meditating upon Ervin Shredinger's works.
- Что есть реальность? Размышляя над произведениями Эрвина Шредингера. : What is reality? Meditating upon Ervin Shredinger's works?
- Эрвин Шредингер
Disbelief in possibility of existence in the postmodern era of a single universal rational metanarrative leads to the fact that today, if not science itself, then at least faith in science — science that will allow to build a complete picture of the world and solve all human problems — seems to come nearer to the end.
During the last half of the century, new discoveries in the field of fundamental natural science were made less and less and cost more. Now, each next step in the development of, for example, accelerator technology is given so hard that there is a doubt that the enormous costs are justified. It is symptomatic, that one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner Werner Heisenberg compared modern giant accelerators to the Egyptian pyramids or to medieval cathedrals; from his point of view, accelerators are the same symbols of the modern world perception, which formerly were the majestic architectural structures that symbolized the deepest essence of the attitude of society to a higher power.
Today, due to the unprecedented expansion of the sphere of scientific knowledge, we, on the one hand, are immeasurably more exposed to the danger of being ignorant, on the other hand, more than ever we need an integral view of the world.