Religion and science in European culture: the dynamics of the ratio of cognitive practices

  1. Lemma
  2. Религия и наука в европейской культуре: динамика соотношения когнитивных практик
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Integration - Culture and national identities
  6. 2012
  7. Воденко Константин [Author]. Religion and science in European culture: the dynamics of the ratio of cognitive practices
  8. Религия и наука в европейской культуре: динамика соотношения когнитивных практик : Religion and science in European culture: the dynamics of the ratio of cognitive practices
  9. faith and reason - Kireevskiy Ivan
    1. The dissertation work shows that the study of the ways and means of preserving the scientific mind as the main asset of European culture, overcoming its negative criticism and reaching the level of positive criticism, is possible through strengthening the mind and increasing its potential abilities on the way to unite with religious faith. In the West, this problem was tried to be solved bythe  rationalization of faith (equating the cognitive function of faith with the cognitive functions of reason), which seems deadlocked to us, since this approach only strengthens the position of rationalism. As a basis for solving this problem, we suggested using a holistic version of the relationship of faith and reason in Russian religious philosophy, which, like the Eastern theological tradition, tried to make the mind "believer", which, in fact, reduces its claims to a purely rational-logical status, on autonomy and self-sufficiency.

      An analysis of the problem of the relationship between faith and reason in the history of philosophical thought leads to the conclusion that two fundamental tendencies have emerged in solving the question of the relationship between faith and reason: a) opposition (dualism); b) unity (holism). They manifested themselves differently in different cultural epochs. The experience of rethinking the divergent model of the relationship between religion and science is represented by Russian religious philosophy based on the holistic concept of the relationship of religious faith and scientific reason.

      The idea of harmony of faith and reason was born in the spiritual and academic theistic experience and received a comprehensive development in Slavophil concepts, such as “believing thinking” and “wholeness of spirit” and evolved in the metaphysics of unity into the idea of “whole knowledge”. Russian religious philosophy proceeded from the fact that the “consent” of religion and science proceeds from the idea of their cognitive proximity.

      On the basis of this fact, as an alternative to the rigid opposition of faith and reason, the concept of an integral world view appears, where faith  is the highest epistemological category, which turns into a special methodological basis. The concept of holism of religious faith and scientific reason recognized not the anti-intelligence, but the supra reason of faith as a special kind of knowledge. The attainment of a holistic mind and integral knowledge is understood in the tradition of Russian religious philosophy not as a search for some occult knowledge, but as a movement along the paths of the traditional church through asceticism and mysticism.