The Science of Believers or the Faith of Scientists: The Age of XX

  1. Lemma
  2. Наука верующих или вера ученых: век XX
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Integration
  6. 2015
  7. Кривовичев Сергей [Author]. The Science of Believers or the Faith of Scientists: The Age of XX
  8. Наука верующих или вера ученых: век XX : The Science of Believers or the Faith of Scientists: The Age of XX
  9. science-religion relationship
    1. The purpose of this book is to show through the life of religious scholars that there is no serious contradiction between science and religion. As an example, the author examines life and views of the 20th century scientists. It was in this century that the triumph of atheism reached its apogee both in the East and in the West, so it was not only unprofitable for a scientist to be a believer in terms of career and social status, but also (sometimes deadly) dangerous.

      The study is mainly devoted to Western scholars who could freely express themselves in wide media on the topics of science and religion. For Soviet scientists, this opportunity was opened only in one direction - in propagating atheistic views. The author points out that the faith of scientists can hardly be explained only by adherence to tradition since each person, including a scientist, has to answer on his own to the fundamental questions concerning his being and non-existence, and everyone faces his inevitable escape from this world. The book contains a large number of quotations from books, articles and interviews.

      This book is intended for a modern Russian reader who is not experienced in the issues of relationship between science and religion. The author admits that unlike Russia and, apparently, all other post-communist states, in the West these problems were discussed much more widely and deeper. The author hopes that this book will serve in the development of a dialogue between representatives of religion and science.