Theology of dialogue. Relationships in the Impersonal World

  1. Lemma
  2. Богословие диалога. Отношения в имперсональном мире
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Integration - Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Philosophy of science/epistemology
  6. 2013
  7. Завершинский Георгий, священник [Author]. Theology of dialogue. Relationships in the Impersonal World
  8. Богословие творения : Creation theology
  9. relation
    1. The modern physics concept of the relative nature of matter brings us to the idea, the author writes, that any attempt to fully adequately describe the created world without God staying in the relationship within Himself will remain fruitless. "God continues to be the Primary Cause of this world precisely in the sense that in an ideal state any relation in the created world has an imprint of the eternal relationship of the Trinity God Himself."

      Observation always means entering into a relationship, and hence forming a structure of connections with matter. If the observer organizes his study of matter in such a way as to understand how the Creator correlates Himself with the world, then the "trace" of the Creator can be revealed in the relative nature of matter. Conversely, in search of interconnections within matter, one can come to know the divine plan or design for it.

      The principle of corpuscular-wave dualism in a broader sense is displayed, the author believes, in the ratio of the subject and its idea or logos. It is in dualism that the relative principle of all creation is observed as a "trace" left by its Creator.

      If in being, as such, there is no space and time, then what is there? The answer may be hidden in our assumption of the divine "trace." In being, as such, there is a relation that organizes it and prepares for the emergence of matter, space and time, in itself staying outside their borders, the author argues.