Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Philosophy of science/epistemology
- Lemma category
Lemmas of category
- Onomatodoxy: philosophical and methodological explication in the teachings of A.F. Losev
- The intersubject nature of creativity in science, philosophy and religion
- The phenomenon of faith in the Humanities
- You are what you live: Some recent data from neurosciences and the spiritual experiences of Philocalia
- Apology of reason
- An essay of Orthodox metaphysics
- Theology of dialogue. Relationships in the Impersonal World
- Russian Religious Philosophy as a Theoretical Basis for the Formation of Bioethical Knowledge in Russia
- Russian Academic Philosophy: Some Questions Regarding the Formation of the Concept of 'Science'
- Theology Managed to Defend Itself Against its Opponents: The First Dissertation in a Religious Discipline was Approved Almost Unanimously
- Orthodox Asceticism as a Way of Realization of a Theologically Meaningful ‘Spiritual Technology’
- Science and its limits: Constantinos Zachos
- Epistemeological problem of atheism
- The concept of biological and cognitive identity in medicine and Orthodox Tradition
- Technological way of thinking and Orthodoxy
- In the limits of science: scientific questions without scientific answers
- Eschatology and otherness: The intersection of two incompatible horizons (theological essay)
- Science and Religion
- On the Union of Religion and Philosophy against the Freedom of Technoscience
- Theology and Psychology: convergences and divergences
- Physicists and clericals met at Platonov’s seminar
- The path of scientist and Christian
- Science & religion in Russian post-soviet context
- The person as a type of reality: the man beyond individual
- Person and Personal Reality: The Actuality of the Eastern Christian Understanding of Man
- To aim reality: the language issue in quantum physics, phenomenology and neopatristics
- The doctrine on logos between Heraclitus and the patristic horizon the rationality of the world from the harmony of contraries to indefinite virtuality
- From Logos to Logoi: The idea of the world’s rationality in the history of European thought
- Experiment and knowledge of reality in the Hesychast view
- Science and religion
- Functional component of religious bases of culture and its influence on culturegenesis
- Giovanni Filoramo: Ecological, psychological and political gnosis
- The ideologisation of sciences and their impact on the dialogue between science and religion
- Transdisciplinary Reality – merging the horizons of Theology, Science and Philosophy
- Philosophy as therapeutics: epistemological aspects of the "care of the self" and the Stoic roots of Early Modern Philosophy
- Truth and communion
- Saint John Chrysostom, the present and the problem of knowledge
- Theology and Science at the dawn of modern times
- Regnum Hominis (Francis Bacon's Imperial project)
- Philosophy of physics and philosophy of religion