Epistemeological problem of atheism

  1. Lemma
  2. Эпистемологическая проблема атеизма
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Atheism - Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Philosophy of science/epistemology
  6. 28-03-2017
  7. Селенский Евгений [Author]. Epistemological problem of atheism
  8. Православие.ру
  9. inductive reasoning - faith and knowledge
    1. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/102208.html
    1. The article author discusses the logic of atheists' thinking, based on Bertrand Russell's statement about the inductive way of thinking. Atheistic view of the world, therefore, admits only what follows inductively from the previous experience. "What would you do, the author asks, when you come across something completely new that has not been seen before, to which it is impossible to match anything from the previous experience ?! The new that does not fit into the ordinary framework is, for example, the tangible consequence of human deification in the form of incorruptibility of the deceased righteous’ bodies."

      "If I see a miracle," says a convinced atheist, "although I can not rationalize it, such an explanation will always be provided by science. The whole reality, therefore, is reduced to what can be rationally justified." The author believes that this approach is not true. "Why should reality be an exhaustively cognoscible by man and, moreover, by means of exceptionally rational way? It does not follow from anywhere. Therefore, the assertion that everything that exists is limited only by material, has no empirical justification. "

      The position of a consistent religious faith is much stronger, the author believes, even if it admits limitations of rational cognition. Religious faith recognizes the possibility that reality, that is "non-Me," is greater than "Me", and that it does not have to fit into our biting mental designs. In the atheistic picture of the world, faith is not simply present, the author notes, but plays a key role, even in the form of trust to inductive conclusions made from the previous experience analysis.