Apology of reason

  1. Lemma
  2. Апология разума
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Philosophy of science/epistemology
  6. 2009
  7. Седакова Ольга [Author]. Apology of reason
  8. Апология разума : Apology of reason
  9. faith and knowledge
    1. https://imwerden.de/pdf/sedakova_apologiya_razuma_2009__ocr
    1. In dialogue with thinkers and artists of European and Russian culture of different eras (Dante, Goethe, Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Marcel Proust, Boris Pasternak, Sergey Averintsev and others) Olga Sedakova discusses the most important ideas of our civilization: mind, will, heart, experience, symbol, strength, form, thought, freedom. The idea of Olga Sedakova, connecting the poetic, philological, philosophical, theological perspective, is devoted to the future: new possibilities of human creativity in our time. She is trying to express a new, “post-critical” and “post-catastrophic” view of reason and knowledge.