The intersubject nature of creativity in science, philosophy and religion

  1. Lemma
  2. Междусубъектная природа творчества в науке, философии и религии
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Philosophy of science/epistemology
  6. 2005
  7. Гревцова Людмила [Author]. The intersubject nature of creativity in science, philosophy and religion
  8. Междусубъектная природа творчества в науке, философии и религии : The intersubject nature of creativity in science, philosophy and religion
  9. creativity
    1. In this research, an attempt was made to show the inter-subject nature of creativity on the basis of a comparative analysis of creativity in science, philosophy and religion. The idea of this work arose as a result of long reflections on the problems of insight, its nature, creative inspiration and, at the same time, the author’s observations on the lives of believers and personal participation in the sacraments of the Orthodox Church. The enormous creative potential of believers of various professions suggested that their apparent spirituality has one inexhaustible source - faith in God. The theme of creativity sounded differently: from a dry, frozen and meaningless in its theoretical structure, it turned into a meaningful life. The author sees the solution to the problem of creativity in the analysis of its inter-subject nature, in the ontological dimension.

      From fundamentally different conceptual grounds, a picture of the relationship between the creativity of the Universe and human-dimensional phenomena of creativity, began to emerge. The author repels from the thought that there is no abyss between the objective being of the world and the creative activity of man. Objective being has countless connections with a person and hence the possibilities of its construction. The only question is what values the scientist will follow.

      The result of creativity also, are values. The philosopher-creator needs to remember that value is a world-affirmation and not an itself-affirmation at the expense of the world.

      The prospect of philosophical creativity may be the development of harmonic co-creation relations generated by universal activity. A comparative analysis of scientific, philosophical and religious creativity contributed to the discovery of the most important moments of the process of cognition of reality.

      So, in philosophy, there is a statement that to know by reason is to “recognize the contradictions”. “To comprehend with the heart” though, means to fully understand. Only at the highest levels of spiritual knowledge is the synthesis of antinomies possible. From the point of view of Orthodoxy, the world is a harmonious unity of mutually executing and mutually needed bodies. The universe is understood as a unity in the multitude and ontology is based on conciliar principles rooted in being. Today, this is confirmed in modern philosophical theories, and in the latest discoveries of natural sciences, in particular in physics.