Onomatodoxy: philosophical and methodological explication in the teachings of A.F. Losev

  1. Lemma
  2. Имяславие: философско-методологическая экспликация в учении А.Ф. Лосева
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Philosophy of science/epistemology
  6. 2006
  7. Стульцев Андрей [Author]. Onomatodoxy: philosophical and methodological explication in the teachings of A.F. Losev
  8. Имяславие: философско-методологическая экспликация в учении А.Ф. Лосева : Onomatodoxy: philosophical and methodological explication in the teachings of A.F. Losev
  9. Лосев Алексей Федорович - onomatodoxy
    1. http://www.dissercat.com/content/imyaslavie-filosofsko-metodologicheskaya-eksplikatsiya-v-uchenii-af-loseva
    1. While examining the facts of life and the texts of A.F. Losev, the author found out that the "Orthodoxism" of Losev mentioned by many authors has very specific forms of manifestation both at the level of world perception and at the level of the structure of life and at the level of theoretical philosophy. At the same time, the author reconstructed a number of interconnected antinomic pairs that form a set of theoretical and methodological guidelines and principles, on the one hand, rooted in religious experience, and on the other, determining the content of all Losev's works.

      In addition, in the course of analyzing the connection between theoretical position of Losev and the onomatodoxy trend in Orthodox theology of the early 20th century, the author came to the conclusion that the philosophy created by Losev throughout his life was conceived and implemented by him as the “philosophy of name-worshipers”. At the same time, in Losev’s understanding, it was a natural continuer of the traditions of Russian philosophy.

      The method the author chose to verify and refine the results obtained is an analysis of the evaluation by Losev of the dialectical method created by him (as the main method of the philosophy of name-worship) in comparison with the already existing dialectical method of Hegel.