Act of nomination and its metaphysical prerequisites

  1. Lemma
  2. Акт номинации и его метафизические предпосылки
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Integration
  6. 2011
  7. Камчатнов Александр [Author]. Act of nomination and its metaphysical prerequisites
  8. Русская философия (традиция и современность) 2004-2009 : Russian Philosophy (tradition and modernity) 2004-2009
  9. St. Gregory Palamas - linguistics
    1. The author of the article explores and compares teachings of nomination of Father S. Bulgakov and A.F. Losev. All the "name philosophers" agree, that in linguistic aspect, name has a predicate nature, in the author's opinion. If we raise the question of ontological nature of the name, then small differences begin in details, which become "a source of major problems".

      Kamchatnov comes to the conclusion that these teachings have essentially different religious and metaphysical grounds: "Bulgakov's teaching is a Christianized Platonism, whereas Losev's teaching is a consistent Palamism."