Every scientist sees the amazing arrangement of the world

  1. Lemma
  2. Каждый человек науки видит удивительную устроенность мира
  3. Saprykin, Dmitry
  4. Modes of interaction > Integration - Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics :QM
  5. 13-09-2017
  6. Демина Наталья [Author]. Alexander Belavin: we saw hedgehogs near the house and opened instanton
  7. Православие и мир
  8. faith and reason - string theory
    1. https://www.pravmir.ru/aleksandr-belavin-myi-uvideli-ezhikov-na-dache-i-otkryili-instanton/
    1. It is very natural for a scientist to believe in God. The beauty of the universe is pushing him to do so, for it is too logical and everything is arranged, says physicist Alexander Belavin.