Православие и мир
- Web site
- audio
- Audio carriers - audio cartridge
Lemmas of web site
- Creationism or evolution?
- Multiplying complexity
- Elena Sadovnikova: doubt, faith and science
- Who says DNA is the Holy of holies?
- Good intentions pave the way to medical fascism
- Why theology is a science in the world and not in Russia
- Why is the first dissertation on theology absolutely scientific
- Mikhail Tsfasman: Mathematics is the study of the real intangible world
- Personal experiences of faith, feelings of atheists, and evidence of God's existence
- Biologists against the theologians: is the conflict inevitable?
- Every scientist sees the amazing arrangement of the world
- Who poked the point of the Universe?
- The joy of science is to add a new element to the picture of the world
- Science does not ask the question of why humanity exists
- There is God as well as man descended from apes
- God and the big math
- The thirst for contact with the higher mind is a very human property
- Adam was engaged in scientific work in Paradise