Why is the first dissertation on theology absolutely scientific

  1. Lemma
  2. Почему первая диссертация по теологии абсолютно научна
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Co-existence
  6. 03-06-2017
  7. Ореханов Георгий, протоиерей [Author]. Archpriest Georgy Orekhanov: Why the first dissertation on theology is absolutely scientific
  8. Православие и мир
  9. academic theology
    1. https://www.pravmir.ru/protoierey-georgiy-orehanov-pochemu-pervaya-dissertatsiya-po-teologii-absolyutno-nauchna/
    1. In fact, there is nothing strange, claims the author, in the fact that biologists (physicists, chemists, etc.) participate in discussions about scientific status of theology. The presence of theology in a secular University really needs constant justification, as it happens in Europe, where positivist views in science are widespread. The whole question is in what tone and with what degree of reflection of their methodological foundations these discussions are conducted.

      The author would like to express the hope that in the future, representatives of natural Sciences (and Humanities, too) will take this circumstance into account and the discussion will be held at the appropriate academic level. Any attempt to assert a monopoly on knowledge and methodology is detrimental to knowledge itself and unacceptable in the academic space.