Personal experiences of faith, feelings of atheists, and evidence of God's existence
- Lemma
- О личном опыте веры, чувствах атеистов и доказательствах бытия Бога
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Co-existence
- 09-06-2017
- Михайлова (Посашко), Валерия [Author]. Archpriest Paul Khondzinsky: personal experience of faith, feelings of atheists and evidence of God's existence
- Православие и мир
- academic theology - Хондзинский Павел, протоиерей
The author of the first research in theology, Archpriest Pavel Khondzinsky, argues whether there is a place for personal experience in the Humanities, why he does not take into account the criticism of the personal qualities of St. Philaret in his dissertation, why society needs theology at all, whether the scientific "dissection" of Christianity kills faith and what personally for him is proof of the existence of God.