Organ transplantation

  1. Lemma
  2. Transplantul de organe
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. Ethics - Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology - Modes of interaction > Integration
  6. Raduca, Vasile [Author]. Organ transplantation
  7. Ortodoxia
  8. ethics - organ transplantation - pain - death - cerebral death
    1. The article starts with an overview of how pain and suffering are viewed by the Orthodox faith. Given their common goal, the Church blesses the efforts done by the medics to soothe those in pain. In fact, in the Orthodox calendar there are many saints who are mentioned as "doctors”. As for organ transplantation, which is an extraordinary scientific achievement, it is also blessed as long as by helping one person, no harm is done to another one.

      The author mentions the general principles that govern this practice. He then goes on to outline the main types of transplantation: "ontoplastic”(autograft: from the same person), "homoplastic” (allograft: from another person) and "heterologue” (xenograft: from another species), as well as of their medical risks and the ethical concerns surrounding it.

      The following chapter is an overview and analysis of the current legislation around the world. Afterwards, the auhor carries out a fine-grained analysis of the related moral, social and religious problems and on the principles that are taken into account when performing such an operation.

      There are four main principles:

      1) the beneficial principle, which deals with advantages and disvantages;

      2) the defense of the life of both the donor and the receiver;

      3) the non-discrimination of the patients;

      4) the respect for the freedom and autonomy of the person (including their consent).

      The next chapter deals with the people involved in the process: on the one hand, the medics and their team, on the other hand, the donor. This is followed by a detailed analysis of how death is defined, in terms of cerebral activity, heart activity and spontaneous breathing. A large number of very authoritative opinions from Orthodox specialists and theologians are cited and commented. The last section of the article, entitled "Theological considerations”, contains a detailed presentation of the position of the Orthodox church and explains the reasons that shaped it.