Spiritual roots of the fundamental science

  1. Lemma
  2. О духовных корнях фундаментального естествознания
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. History and philosophy of science - Integration
  6. 2011
  7. Соболев Александр [Author]. Spiritual roots of the fundamental science
  8. Вся премудростию сотворил еси. Труды семинара ПСТГУ "Наука и вера" : "In wisdom hast thou made them all"
  9. apophatisim
    1. http://pstgu.ru/scientific/seminars/science_faith/news/
    1. The article's author discusses the relationship between Christianity and science in different periods of world history, including future. As he emphasizes, scientific methodology has emerged thanks to Christianity. The christian world view was and will be a stimulus for natural science studies as studies of the Divine creation, as well as it is a necessary the condition for the existence of fundamental sciences in this or that country.

      Orthodox theology, says Sobolev, has features that allow it not to fall into deep contradiction with the changing natural science paradigms which is "apophaticism, asserting inaccessibility of the Divine essence, unlike the created nature, to human mind, and therefore our path to Him is an eternal approximation." Here is the start of the separation of nature understanding methods and ways, on the one hand, and theology ways, on the other, unlike in Western theology, which allowed God cognition with the help of our intuitive knowledge, and where science, with its changing paradigms depending on the accumulated knowledge, was viewed as "a maid of theology ", which could not but lead to conflicts.

      According to the author, fundamental science needs a strategic alliance with the Orthodox Church. "The joint and coordinated activity of natural scientists and theologians, the Russian Orthodox Church and scientific organizations is important ... in order to promote an attitude to nature as to a divine creation and to study nature as to serve God, and thereby to shape the spiritual base of fundamental natural sciences, to make it sacral." It is necessary to go this way, the scientist writes, in order for "the national traditional values to enter into the composition of scientific values and vice versa, and not to contradict with each other, as it has been so far".