Church and science

  1. Lemma
  2. Biserica si stiinta
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. Atheism - History and philosophy of science - Integration - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 31-1-2017
  7. Argatu, Calinic [Author]. Church and science
  9. materialism - Greek philosophy - Palamas, Gregory - Saint Gregory of Nazianzus - St Gregory of Nyssa - Maximus the Confessor - Saint John of Damascus - Communism
  10. Click Here
    1. The author makes it clear from the very beginning that between science and religion there is no opposition, but a distinction. The article contains a comparative analysis of their means, limits and of the object of study. It also explains the position of the Church towards arts and culture in general and demonstrates that even classical philosophy was accepted and considered as a way in which the pagan world was anticipating the coming of the Saviour. The author goes on to analyse in more detail how non-Christian philosophy was absorbed by the great Eastern thinkers. He supports his claims with quotes from the teachings of Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory Palama, Maximus the Confessor and John Damascene. All throughout the article, the author’s concern is to point out the continuity in thinking. He shows that in Romania during the communist regime, the scientific materialism tried to impose artificial theories intended to compromise the Revealed truth. In contrast, the Church has always supported the progress of science. He cites important theologians such as metropolitan Antonie Plamadeala, metropolitan Nestor Vornicescu, metropolitan Nicolae Corneanu, archbishop Bartolomeu Anania, bishop Emilian Birdas and of course Father Dumitru Staniloae.