Science, philosophy, religion - a dialogue

  1. Lemma
  2. Наука, философия, религия - диалог
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Integration
  6. 02-12-2008
  7. Кирьянова Ольга [Author]. "Science, philosophy, religion" - a dialogue in Dubna
  8. Православие.Ru
  9. dialogue between science and Orthodoxy
    1. Holding of scientific conferences in the Moscow region of Dubna on various aspects of interaction of science, philosophy and religion has already become a good tradition. Their organizers are the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov, Moscow Theological Academy (MTA), as well as the Foundation of St. Andrew the First-Called and the Center of National Glory.

      Among the priority topics that turned out to be proposed for discussion are the formation of religious and moral values in the process of teaching natural science knowledge, as well as the importance of science, philosophy and religion as sources for the formation of a holistic worldview in the modern educational process.

      While the first of these topics mainly concerned discussions between supporters of a creationist and evolutionary approach, which has long been conducted both in the scientific and church circles, the second topic gave rise to a lively exchange of views on the underlying problems of modern education in general. Russian experience in this matter is undoubtedly unique: Europe does not know such heated battles between supporters and opponents of the presence of religious factor in education and it is just as far from the contradictions that arise.

      The final document adopted at the XII Conference "Science, Philosophy, Religion" states that science, philosophy and religion are necessary and indispensable fundamental sources for the formation of a holistic worldview. Noting the need to consolidate this thesis in educational standards of the third and subsequent generations, the forum participants in Dubna pointed out the need for public control over this through the expert advisory bodies of the Federation Council, the State Duma, the Government and the Public Chamber.