Orthodox Psychotherapy is the healing of the soul through the soul

  1. Lemma
  2. Psihoterapia ortodoxă este vindecarea sufletului prin suflet
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis - Modes of interaction > Integration - Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine
  6. Paunoiu, Augustin [Author]. Orthodox Psychotherapy is the healing of the soul through the soul
  7. Ziarul Lumina
  8. faith and knowledge - psychiatry and Christianity - Christian Psychotherapy - Hesychasm - depression - prayer
  9. Click Here
    1. The article is based on an interview that the author, Augustin Paunoiu, had with Dmitri Avdeev, a famous Russian Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and medical psychologist. Avdeev is also the Director of the Institute of problems of forming of a Christian attitude towards mental disorders. He has a PhD in Psychiatry, at the V.P. Serbsky Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry, Moscow. He is an internationally acclaimed scholar, whose impressive career gained him many awards and professional recognition; many of his books on orthodox psychotherapy were translated into Romanian, by the Sophia Publisher.

      The questions revolve around the method used by Avdeev and his professional and personal experience. Avdeev explains the principles of his method and gives details about how it is viewed by the medical community. He also talks about the most frequent modern disorders, about the relationship between orthodox psychotherapy and the hesychastic techniques, about its suitability for the pastoral activity of the priests. He answers other questions on important modern subjects, such as the causes of depression, its link to the lack of love, the role of family and genetics in generating mental disorders. He then develops the idea of sin, and especially of pride, as the main cause for most psychiatric problems. He is then invited to talk about his patients and their faith, about the role of confession in the healing process, and on the importance of the divine mysteries. Avdeev is encouraged to explain the relationship between priests and psychiatrists. In the end, he gives a touching testimony about the role of prayer in difficult medical circumstances.