The religious universe we live in

  1. Lemma
  2. Universul religios in care traim
  3. Romanian
  4. Achimescu, Nicolae
  5. Atheism - Integration - Modes of interaction - Ecumenism and dialogue
  6. 2013
  7. The religious universe we live in - Bucharest: Trinitas, 2013.
  8. interreligious dialogue - atheism - dialogue
    1. This book, which is structured in seven major chapters, is based on a series of studies, articles, essays and reports, published mainly between 2006 and 2011, in some homage volumes, cultural and spiritual journals or newspapers, such as Timpul, Revista de cultura, Revista romana de Bioetica, Candela Moldovei, Ziua, Independentul, and especially in Lumina de Duminica and Ziarul Lumina. Today, the dialogue of Christianity with other religions, beliefs and cultures inspires a dialogue of hope not only for the coexistence of people, but also for the restoration of the spiritual equilibrium of contemporary man. The tragic experience of the atheist provocation has shown that the systematic denial of religion and religious belief has turned against the faithful of all religions.