Science believed in a miracle

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  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Integration
  6. 21-01-2011
  7. Копейкин, Кирилл [Author]. Science believed in a miracle
  8. Православие.ру
  9. miracles
    1. Of course, a miracle is not investigated by traditional scientific methods, because science, by definition, deals only with repetitive events. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, let us look at what science came to in the twentieth century. There were two principle discoveries that made resolutely reconsider the attitude of science to miracles. The first is cosmology that emerged in the twentieth century - the science of the world origin and development. Cosmology in a certain sense takes the scientist beyond the framework of traditional science, because it investigates a fundamentally one-time event - the emergence of the Universe - an event that has happened only once and will never happen again. We are not able to produce new and new universes and experiment with them depending on different initial conditions. That is cosmology explores the miracle.

      On the other hand, in the twentieth century, thanks to the emergence of quantum mechanics, we realized that chance and singularity are inherent in the universe at the micro level. In classical science, it was believed that there were no accidents: we are talking about randomness, when we do not understand some kind of regularity. However, quantum physics teaches us that the world is arranged in such a way that it contains the possibility of randomness. But what is an accident? In modern theology, there is a special trend - the so-called "volutive theology," or "theology of the will." Representatives of this line believe that the main property of God is His omnipotent will, and since God is omnipotent, he can arrange anything. There are some laws of the universe, and if something deviates from this law, then what is it? - This is a miracle, or what scientists call accident. Hence, an accident, or a miracle, is the intervention of the Creator in the order of the universe established by Himself. Accident is just another name for the Divine will. That is why in 1927 the outstanding English physicist Sir Arthur Eddington said that religion is now possible for a physicist: even a person who is convinced that there are immutable laws of the universe, now understands that these laws have a gap for the operation of Divine Providence.