Scientific theories and disciplines > Religious studies
- Lemma category
Lemmas of category
- The Knowledge of Religion: Cultural and Theoretical Profiles
- Russian Orthodox Church and Islamic Organizations in Modern Russia: An Experience of Comparative Analysis of Social Doctrines
- Ethical and philosophical analysis of the moral systems of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism
- The Social Doctrine of Christianity: Religious Analysis of Catholic and Orthodox Doctrines
- Rationalistic heresies in the history of Christianity
- Social and philosophical aspects of the religiosity concept in modern science
- The problem of rapprochement of the scientific and religious worldview: religious study aspect
- Religion and human essence: classical ideas
- Anthropology of the German "onto-theological tradition"
- "Evolutionary Religious Studies" and Orthodox theology about the essence of spiritual culture: confrontation or dialogue?
- Evaluation of Cloning by Catholic Church: Critical Analysis Experience
- Theology and Dictionary of Technology
- Religion, Technology and Cultural Identity
- Church Studies
- The doctrine of reincarnation and Christianity.
- Early Christianity and transmigration of souls
- Studying religious culture in public school
- Theology and Psychology: convergences and divergences
- The vision of orthodox theology on the controversy creationism-evolutionism: elements for a discourse on the method
- Orthodoxy and Orthology in the Context of Religionism
- Nicolae Corneanu: Patristic confessions
- Ysabel of Andia: the mystical experience
- Marie-Hélène Congourdeau: The place of the heart between East and West
- Marius Cruceru: the neo-Protestant Patristics
- Orthodoxy for Protestants
- Christian philosophy and pantheism
- Lucian Turcescu: We should build on the previous foundation
- Life and patrology
- Attila Jakab: The mysteries of Egyptian Christianity in the first three centuries.
- Enrico Norelli: faith and intellectual honesty.
- Marguerite Harl: From Gregory of Nyssa to the Septuagint.
- Monique Alexandre: A living history of French patristics
- Astronomer Vladimir Sudin: I would like to “live through” the history of the Universe
- Problems of compatibility of science and religion in a secular education system
- The relationship between Orthodox Christianity and compulsory education in Russia
- Potentiality and actuality. From quantum ontology to the anthropic cosmology of Father Dumitru Staniloae.
- Theology and science of religion: The meaning and the absurdity of a conflict