Social and philosophical aspects of the religiosity concept in modern science

  1. Lemma
  2. Социально-философские аспекты концептуализации религиозности в современной науке
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Religious studies
  6. 2013
  7. Хлопкова Оксана [Author]. Social and philosophical aspects of the religiosity concept in modern science
  8. Социально-философские аспекты концептуализации религиозности в современной науке : Social and philosophical aspects of the religiosity concept in modern science
  9. Religiosity
    1. In modern conditions, religious organizations are forced to adapt to the rapidly changing world, to master secular concepts and to speak the language of science. As a result, depending on what criteria of religiosity the religious community itself chooses, the tendency to self-preservation and self-change, sometimes to the extent of internal conflict, becomes polarized. The first leads to the emergence of fundamentalist movements within religious communities, the second to the possibility of an open and competent interfaith dialogue.

      The development of research methodology should take place in parallel with the development of theoretical schemes. The theory should develop a unified model of religiosity, which will be supplemented by applied constructions. The theoretical scheme needs an “expansion” of ideas from various sciences, including social philosophy. A sociologist who studies religion inevitably faces such phenomena that relate to the attitude of a person towards “transcendental realities”. The sociological position in this case does not yet give an opportunity to explore these phenomena, since the content of religious experience can be extremely heterogeneous. Sociology of religion involves the formation of a kind of theoretical "connecting links" between the theologies of religious associations and sociology, without a detailed elaboration of which it is impossible to overcome the existing contradictions. Interaction with the theologies will allow solving the problem of the “language” of the research, making it ideally comprehensible to the sociologist and the respondent, and the respondent to the sociologist.