Anthropology of the German "onto-theological tradition"

  1. Lemma
  2. Антропология немецкой «онто-теологической традиции»
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Religious studies
  6. 2014
  7. Дорофеев Дмитрий [Author]. “Anthropology of the German "onto-theological tradition ” (die onto-theologische Tradition)”
  8. Альманах "Метапарадигма"
  9. anthropology
    1. In the article “Anthropology of the German "onto-theological tradition ” (die onto-theologische Tradition)” D.Yu. Dorofeev critically reveals the “ontotheological” foundations of German philosophy in terms of understanding the otherness and heterogeneity of God and man. Following the author, the genetic foundation of German philosophy and German spirit as a whole by medieval German mysticism and Protestantism directly influenced the speculative character of German philosophy, generally defined as impersonal monism, a characteristic line of thought from M. Eckhart to M. Heidegger.

      At the heart of this German philosophical and cultural paradigm, called the “onto-theological tradition” (die onto-theologische Tradition) and derived from absolutization of the power of God and Existence, lies a special anthropology, reducing the unique personality of a particular person to a monistic origin. The author of the article analyzes this model in detail, seeing an alternative to it in personal activity of a human open to God, in Orthodox theological and philosophical thought and practice.