Rationalistic heresies in the history of Christianity

  1. Lemma
  2. Рационалистические ереси в истории христианства
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Religious studies
  6. 2006
  7. Иванова Ирина [Author]. Rationalistic heresies in the history of Christianity
  8. Рационалистические ереси в истории христианства : Rationalistic heresies in the history of Christianity
  9. heresies
    1. http://www.dissercat.com/content/ratsionalisticheskie-eresi-v-istorii-khristianstva
    1. From the author's point of view, rationalism turns out to be the epistemological source of any heresy - both rationalistic and irrationalistic - because to reconsider a certain spiritual phenomenon (some creed) means to switch to metaconsciousness and a sign of metaconsciousness is one of the main characteristics of abstract (rational) terminology.

      If one considers these types of rationalistic cultures, which at the same time also have religious features, it should be recognized that the determining epistemological factor of their development are rationalistic heresies, says the author. It is in them and in the faith-mind dilemma that they always solve that both the dialectical source of development itself and the means of resolving such are best embodied, let us note, the necessary contradiction.

      Since within the framework of the modern - postmodern, post-non-classical, anti-traditionalist and largely secularized culture, the rationalistic heresy is manifested in the same way as in any other secularity manner, then with the development of this specific culture and this type heresies should be expected, firstly, the further loss of their own religious features (degradation as a religious phenomenon), secondly, the resulting decrease in sacrality (including - following reverent attitude to the object of study) and, thirdly, gradual, in connection with the above, the growth of destructive tendencies, concludes the author.