The problem of rapprochement of the scientific and religious worldview: religious study aspect

  1. Lemma
  2. Проблема сближения научного и религиозного мировоззрения: религиоведческий аспект
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Religious studies
  6. 2001
  7. Клементьева Татьяна [Author]. The problem of rapprochement of the scientific and religious worldview: religious study aspect
  8. Проблема сближения научного и религиозного мировоззрения: религиоведческий аспект : The problem of rapprochement of the scientific and religious worldview: religious study aspect
  9. post-non-classical scientific paradigma
    1. It should be noted that the beginning of a rapprochement between religious and scientific worldviews does not mean a complete erasure of the boundaries between religion and science. In the author's opinion, the development of the relationship between religion and science as two forms of knowledge of the world is fully subordinate to the principles of dialectics: those who were in antiquity in unity, went through a phase of opposition and struggle and today enter the period of achieving a new synthesis on a new qualitative basis. However, as it develops, science may again “disperse” from religion in its views of the world and man and again overcome these contradictions with the achievement of a new qualitative level in the knowledge of the surrounding reality. Moreover, each time, reaching a certain degree of mutual understanding in the worldview, science and religion do not lose their originality, but retain their place and a special role in society, their ways of expressing knowledge and the method of cognition.

      Thus, based on this general principle of the relationship between religion and science, we believe that humanity faces today an important historical moment: when it reaches the next level of understanding between religious and scientific forms of knowledge of the world. The result of the removal of the contradictions that served as the basis for the conflict of religion and science for many centuries, perhaps, will be that new scientific paradigm, which is so much talked about today. The value of this moment is hard to underestimate, because new areas, methods and perspectives of human knowledge, and, consequently, the resolution of many pressing problems of our life depend on it. The science of the 20th century marked the beginning of this process and we would like to consider at what stage it is today, what has already been achieved and what problems are still waiting to be solved.