Ethical and philosophical analysis of the moral systems of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism

  1. Lemma
  2. Этико-философский анализ нравственных систем православия, католичества и протестантизма
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Religious studies
  6. 2007
  7. Канайкина Екатерина [Author]. Ethical and philosophical analysis of the moral systems of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism
  8. Этико-философский анализ нравственных систем православия, католичества и протестантизма : Ethical and philosophical analysis of the moral systems of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism
  9. ethics - Ecumenism
    1. Criticizing the dualism of theology and humanism of the last century, the fragmentation of being, the violation of human integrity in ethical and philosophical concepts and the modern Western worldview, however, does not contain constructs that can solve current problems of our time. Instead of integrity, pluralism is apologized, instead of structuring being, rejection of hierarchy as an ontological principle of construction, instead of existential Catholic and Protestant moral systems, ecumenical eclectic systems.

      Violations in the hierarchical structure of a person (change of spiritual and spiritual places) led to the reduction of the process of moral improvement to the achievement of an average, fixed level of morality (the so-called casual integrity). Orthodoxy, forming a specific, different from the Western Christian type of thinking, is the medium of existence of the traditional hierarchical moral system, focused on clearly fixed ethical criteria of thinking.

      The eclectic humanistic moral system based on the principle of tolerance, according to the modern scientific paradigm, has the right to existence and realization, but for Russia, turning to this system means lowering the level of morality, thinks the author,  since the traditional Orthodox moral system has a less leveled, averaged character. In addition, the thousand-year tradition of shaping the characteristics of thinking in the context of the Orthodox world outlook causes natural human activity within the framework of the corresponding system. The change in the type of thinking is inevitably associated with the deformation of the moral consciousness of the individual and society.