Author of lemmas
- The Three Hierarchs, mirror of Christ in the world
- The human body in the philosophy of religion from the Greek ontology to the Byzantine theology
- Christ and time
- The dynamics of Enlightenment in the activity of the Kollyvades Movement
- The St. Cyril of Alexandria and his relations with the Prefect Orestes and the philosopher Hypatia
- The mystery of Christ in the works of St. Cyril of Alexandria
- Ontology and gnoseology in the Triadology of Athanasius the Great
- The religious critique against the Copernican worldview in Greece from 1794 to 1821: Aspects of Greek-Orthodox apologetics regarding the progress of the natural sciences
- The human being as image of God in the works of St. Cyril of Alexandria
- The human theosis in the light of the eschatological conceptions of Orthodox theology
- The theosis as purpose of human life
- Transplantations: A solution or a problem?
- The Orthodox theology in the 21st century
- Christological symphony of man and world: Principles of a Neopatristic Orthodox theology in the work of Dumitru Stăniloae
- The place of Greek philosophy in the Orthodox East: A study of Saint Gregory Palamas
- Ecclesiology and Palamism: The hidden stumbling block of the Catholic-Orthodox Ecumene
- Postmodernity and Church: The challenge of Orthodoxy
- Saint Gregory Palamas: Father of the 9th Ecumenical Council
- The theory of evolution
- The greatest science
- On the Kollyvades: Saint Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, Saint Athanasius of Paros
- Personhood and genetic interventions
- In search of lost innocence
- Bioethics and Theology
- The Three Hierarchs and the Education
- Eschatology and otherness: The intersection of two incompatible horizons (theological essay)
- The Mystery of the 8th Day: Orthodox Christian Eschatology
- The implications of the ecological crisis for human personhood
- Theology, Theoptia and Theosis: From St. Symeon the New Theologian to St. Gregory Palamas
- The theological gnoseology in Elder Sophrony Sakharov
- Ultimate decadence
- The Three Hierarchs, founders of Orthodoxy
- The human being as ‘animal’: Aspects of the Orthodox anthropology
- Science and astrology
- The improvident destruction of the environment
- 1st International Conference for Pastoral Health Care of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Rhodes
- The Three Hierarchs as teachers and educators.
- The Christian family education according to the holy Chrysostom
- The humanism of secularization
- Monasticism and relation of obedience and freedom, as well as the relation of faith and obedience, culminated in the issues ‘judgement-distinction’ and how passions are healed
- Warranted standards of truth
- The star of the Nativity in the Patristic literature
- The absurdity of astrology
- Transplantations and brain death
- Christian faith and logic
- Historical development of the service for the Unction of the sick
- The Sacrament of the Unction of the sick
- The advance towards human perfection according to St. Gregory Palamas
- St. Gregory Palamas and our times
- The Kollyvades Movement and its significance
- Neophytos Kaphsokalyvites (1713-1784?) and the Kollyvades movement
- The problem of atheism according to St. Athanasius of Paros
- St. Gregory Palamas in the writings and the teaching of St. Athanasius of Paros
- St. Athanasius of Paros and Apostolos Makrakis: Similarities and differences
- Political and social developments in Europe and in the East and the stance of St. Athanasius of Paros
- The St. Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain and his relation with science
- Philosophy of physics and philosophy of religion
- A study of Maximus the Confessor: The dialectical contradiction of freedom and necessity
- The spiritual path in the theology of the Eastern Church
- The true science
- Instances of epistemological confusion between academic and ecclesiastical theological edification
- The other bread
- Theology and science of religion: The meaning and the absurdity of a conflict
- The theological aesthetics of icons and their ecumenical significance
- The good and the evil III: The world which is devoid of traces
- On creation
- The Greek philosophy of the person
- Perpetual rest: The renovation of the Aristotelian movement in the theology of Maximus the Confessor
- Sober intoxication
- The spiritual struggle in the modern world
- The reception of the Enlightenment in Greece
- The ecclesiasm of Hellenism
- Religion and dualism in modern natural philosophy: Metaphysical motives in the philosophy of religion of modern physics
- Eastern morality and Western technique: Issues on natural philosophy of religion
- The three levels of civilization
- Philosophy and theology in Nikos Nissiotis: From personalism to pneumatology
- On Church
- Nicolai Berdyaev and Byzantine philosophy: On the metaphysical importance of Patristic theology