The Three Hierarchs, mirror of Christ in the world

  1. Lemma
  2. Οἱ τρεῖς ἱεράρχες, κάτοπτρο τοῦ Χριστοῦ στόν κόσμο
  3. English
  4. Koutalis, Vangelis
  5. Complementarity - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies - Culture and national identities - Ecumenism and dialogue > Education
  6. 28-11-2018
  7. Christopoulos, Nikolaos [Author]. The Three Hierarchs, mirror of Christ in the world
  8. Ο Ποιμήν
  9. Greek-Christian ideal - Three Hierarchs - Secular education
    1. <p>Χριστόπουλος, Νικόλαος [Christopoulos, Nikolaos] (2013). Οἱ τρεῖς ἱεράρχες, κάτοπτρο τοῦ Χριστοῦ στόν κόσμο. <em>Ποιμήν</em>, <em>78</em>, 5-10.</p>
    1. The author in this article points out that the Three Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, combining the rigor of the classical Greek philosophical learning with the mildness of the Orthodox tradition, the clarity of philosophical ideas with the deep understanding of human suffering, produced a new Greek-Orthodox cultural synthesis.

      The work and the lives of the Three Hierarchs were exemplary of the transformative power of the love of God, and they contributed, as well, to the sciences of their era (to philosophy, theology, medicine, pedagogics, sociology, and to psychology too). The love towards God is the presupposition for the proper functioning of the love towards knowledge and the love towards our fellow human beings.