Альманах "Метапарадигма"
- Periodic publication
- Almanac "Metaparadigm"
- The almanach "Metaparadim" has been issued from 2013 by a group of active researches whose purpose is to form new research programs that harmonically combine traditional moral values with their religious roots and modern scientific knowledge. Authors of the review "Metaparadigm" see their goal in a synthesis of the modern scientific knowledge and the Christian image of the world, in regarding scientific facts and theories through the prism of main principles of the Christian worldview - in the development of Christian theistic metaphysics.
- audio
- Audio carriers - audio cartridge
Lemmas of periodic publication
- Anthropology of the rev. Maxim the Confessor and theoretical problems of medicine
- The world cosmos and the Church cosmos: rev. Maxim the Confessor and theological completion of cosmology
- On the subjective and objective causes of the modern science crisis
- Phenomena of the body pattern in psychology and religion: on the "inner working" in Christianity
- Christian approach to the philosophy of time
- Anthropic methodology and cybernetic transhumanism
- Metaphysics and Science vs. naive realism
- Rev. Maxim the Confessor, neo-patristic synthesis and criticism of secular mind in the 21st century
- Anthropology of the German "onto-theological tradition"
- Two-level ontological model of a living being
- On the logic of ontological evidence of God existence
- Creative principles of Christian metaphysics
- Living cell in the eyes of organic chemists
- Ontology of the soul as an energy-informational relationship
- Current issues of metaphysics
- Russian faith and Russian philosophy
- Molecular genetic evidence of the organic world creation