Rev. Maxim the Confessor, neo-patristic synthesis and criticism of secular mind in the 21st century

  1. Lemma
  2. «Назад к Отцам»: преподобный Максим Исповедник, неопатристический синтез и критика секулярного разума в XXI веке
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies
  6. 2015
  7. Нестерук Алексей [Author]. “Back to the Fathers”: Rev. Maxim the Confessor, neo-patristic synthesis and criticism of the secular mind in the 21st century
  8. Альманах "Метапарадигма"
  9. Maximus the Confessor
    1. A.V. Nesteruk in the article “Back to the Fathers”: "Rev. Maxim the Confessor, neo-patristic synthesis and criticism of the secular mind in the 21st century ” addresses the work of Rev. Maxim the Confessor, regarding his legacy as the basis for the fruitful development of neo-patriotic synthesis. The author believes that through the study of his heritage theology receives a unique opportunity to exercise a critical function in relation to secular thinking, and will be able to give a correct assessment of the modern era.

      Following the author, the central idea of neo-patristic synthesis is the existential integrity of a person. The author sees the perspectives of neo-patristic synthesis in the retention of thought within the framework of the patristic tradition, as well as in the eschatological and trans-historical character of comprehending its meanings, which allows us to consider the path to the Fathers as a kind of spiritual “return” to the future.