Phenomena of the body pattern in psychology and religion: on the "inner working" in Christianity

  1. Lemma
  2. Феномены схемы тела в психологии и религии: о «внутреннем делании» в христианстве
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 2016
  7. Зенько Юрий [Author]. Phenomena of the body pattern in psychology and religion: on the "inner working" in Christianity
  8. Альманах "Метапарадигма"
  9. soul - body
    1. An article by Yu. M. Zenko “Phenomena of the body pattern in psychology and religion: on the 'inner working' in Christianity” is devoted to such a little-studied phenomenon as “body pattern”. It gives a brief historical overview of the emergence and use of this term, discusses its distinction with the concept of "body image". The author analyzes the development of the body pattern in ontogenesis, the formation of the body pattern boundaries and the phenomenon of their mobility (in everyday and religious life), examines in detail the role of the body pattern as a link between psyche and body, which methodologically explains such phenomena as phantom amputated limbs or stigmata ( Catholicism). The author stresses that in phylogenesis the development of the body pattern played an important role in the formation of such fundamental concepts of our culture as “subject” and “object”.

      The article continues and summarizes the work on identifying the individual structure of the body scheme in a psychological and cultural context. From a psychological and psychophysiological point of view, the phenomena of religious introversion and extroversion, special states of consciousness, the phenomenon of a double are considered. At the same time, the author pays special attention to the Christian doctrine of the heart, which is an important part of Christian anthropology and asceticism.