Metaphysics and Science vs. naive realism

  1. Lemma
  2. Метафизика и наука vs. наивный реализм
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics :QM
  6. 2015
  7. Посадский Сергей Владимирович [Author]. Metaphysics and Science vs. naive realism
  8. Альманах "Метапарадигма"
  9. Metaphysics
    1. S.V. Posadsky in the article “Metaphysics and Science vs. Naive Realism "critically analyzes the naive-realistic worldview, interpreting it as rheistic reductionism, which impedes the development of scientific knowledge. The author demonstrates the inconsistency of naive realism in connection with the development of natural science knowledge, first of all, the face of modern physics, radically overcoming the rheist understanding of the world in the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, definitely coming to the realities of non-spatial and timeless being, as well as in the metaphysics of unity.