Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Orthodox gnosiology
- Lemma category
Lemmas of category
- Is there Biochemistry of Freedom?
- Neurobiology and the Problem of Free Will
- Science and orthodoxy. The incompatibilities of a recent relationship.
- Orthodox theology and science
- Patristic references in the dialogue between theology and science
- The Light of the Unseen Vol I
- Ontology and gnoseology in the Triadology of Athanasius the Great
- The human being as image of God in the works of St. Cyril of Alexandria
- Looking at Light. Sixteen philosophers of Western universities discover Orthodoxy.
- Christian Philosophy in Lev Shestov
- Maryology in the Christian Church
- Patristic views on the Nature and Status of Scientific Knowledge
- Christological symphony of man and world: Principles of a Neopatristic Orthodox theology in the work of Dumitru Stăniloae
- The place of Greek philosophy in the Orthodox East: A study of Saint Gregory Palamas
- Ecclesiology and Palamism: The hidden stumbling block of the Catholic-Orthodox Ecumene
- Science and religion in christian orthodox tradition
- Saint Gregory Palamas: Father of the 9th Ecumenical Council
- Technological way of thinking and Orthodoxy
- The Mystery of the 8th Day: Orthodox Christian Eschatology
- Theology, Theoptia and Theosis: From St. Symeon the New Theologian to St. Gregory Palamas
- The theological gnoseology in Elder Sophrony Sakharov
- Faith and Science in Christian orthodox gnosiology
- The humanism of secularization
- Autonomous reason and spiritual reason: the encounter with reality
- The question of Meaning. Between the anthropic principle and Orthodox Teleology
- Orthodoxy and Orthology in the Context of Religionism
- Between faith and reason. First Questions
- Giovanni Filoramo: Ecological, psychological and political gnosis
- Monique Alexandre: A living history of French patristics
- The problem of naturally knowing God and the rational arguments
- The Mystery of Rationality. Interface in the Dialogue between Theological and Scientific Knowledge
- Truth and communion
- Theology and Science at the dawn of modern times
- Warranted standards of truth
- Christian faith and logic
- St. Gregory Palamas in the writings and the teaching of St. Athanasius of Paros
- Instances of epistemological confusion between academic and ecclesiastical theological edification
- The theological aesthetics of icons and their ecumenical significance
- The Greek philosophy of the person
- Perpetual rest: The renovation of the Aristotelian movement in the theology of Maximus the Confessor
- The ecclesiasm of Hellenism
- Religion and dualism in modern natural philosophy: Metaphysical motives in the philosophy of religion of modern physics
- On Church