Faith and Science in Christian orthodox gnosiology

  1. Lemma
  2. Πίστη και Επιστήμη στην ορθόδοξη γνωσιολογία
  3. Greek, Modern (1453-)
  4. Katsiampoura, Gianna
  5. Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Orthodox gnosiology
  6. 10-04-2017
  7. Metallinos, (Protopresbyter) Georgios [Author]. Πίστη και επιστήμη στην ορθόδοξη γνωσιολογία
  8. Ορθοδοξία και φυσικές επιστήμες (Orthodoxy and natural sciences)
  9. Science - patristic tradition
    1. <p>Mettalinos, Georgios (1996), Πίστη και επιστήμη στη ορθόδοξη γνωσιολογία (Faith and science in Christian Orthodox gnosiology), Association of Greek Physicists, Ορθοδοξία και φυσικές επιστήμες (Orthodoxy and natural sciences) - Athens: Savvalas Editions</p>
    1. Protopresbyter Georgios Metallinos, in this paper, presents his approach of the relation between faith and science in christian orthodox tradition. According to him, the conflict between faith and science is a problem in the latin christian thought but not for the christian orthodox. For the christian orthodox thought this is a pseudo problem, as anyone could see exercising the historical sources. 

      For the g. Metallinos,  in the East the antithesis between faith and science is a pseudo-problem, because gnosiology in the East is defined by the object to be known which is twofold: the Uncreated and the created. Only the Holy Trinity is Uncreated. The universe (or universes) in which our existence is realized, is created. Faith is knowledge of the Uncreated, and science is knowledge of the created. Therefore, they are two different types of knowledge, each having its own method and tools of inquiry.

      The problem of conflict between faith and science, apart from the confusion of knowledge, has caused the idoloziation of the two kinds of knowledge. Thus, a weak and morbid apologetic has resulted in Christianity (e.g. a Greek professor of Apologetics many years ago produced a mathematical proof of the existence of God !). In Orthodoxy, however, this dualism is not self-evident. Nothing excludes the co-existence of faith and science when faith is not imaginary metaphysics and science does not falsify its positive character with the use of metaphysics. The mutual understanding of science and faith is helped by current scientific language.

      The principle of indetermination (that there is no causality) is a kind of apophatism in science. The return to the Fathers therefore, helps to overcome the conflict. The acceptance of the limits of the two kinds of knowledge (Uncreated and Created) and the use of the suitable organ or tool for each one, is the element of Orthodoxy and of the Fathers which places earthly wisdom under higher or divine knowledge.

      In contrast, the confusion of the two types of knowledge in Western thought promotes their mutual misinterpretations and continues and fosters their conflict. A Church which persists in metaphysical theology, will always be obliged to beg Galileo's pardon. But a Science that also ignores its limits, will deteriorate into metaphysics and will either deal with the existence of God (which is not its responsibility) or reject God completely.