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- The Rationality of the World and Human Reason as expressed in the Theology of Father Dumitru Staniloae: Points of Connection in the Dialogue between Theology and Science’
- Analysis of contemporary negative image of the Orthodox Church formed in the Soviet Union from the mid-1950s until the early 1960s.
- Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism
- Home Church
- Life Science in High School: An Evolutionary Perspective at the Turn of the 20th-21st Century
- Is Christian science possible? Methodological problems of the synthesis of Christian theology with scientific method of knowledge.
- Master and his disciples in the New Testament
- Psychiatry and the spiritual life problems
- The Inconvenient Relation Between Religion and Science: The Prevalence of the Heliocentric Theory
- The message of the Lord’s prayer
- On the Christian understanding of the concept of people and nationality – problems of its philosophical and historical use
- Christian world perception and science
- Is the mathematical plan of universe coincidence?
- The Great War as a Crucial Point in the History of Russian Science and Technology
- Orthodox education in modern Russia: content and structure.
- The destinies of schizophrenia carriers: clinical, social, judicial and psychiatric aspects.
- The life and creative work of the Russian scientist N.N. Bogolyubov
- Christianity in the Era of Electronic Communication
- Faith and Science
- Mathematics and Religion
- Dictionary of Technology – 33 years later
- The connection between the doctrine of divine energies and understanding of space in Thomas Torrance and Christos Yannaras
- The attitude of Saint Eucherius of Lyon (†ca. 450) to the “secular philosophy”
- Basic science and the Orthodox Church
- Dangerous attempts of biology and religion “synthesis”. About V.K. Zhirov’s article on Orthodox vision of biological diversity
- Secular aspect of reforms in Orthodox religious academies in the Russian Empire in 1869
- Soviet youth of the 'Thaw' period in 21st century research
- The relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the State on the issue of the development of education in Irkutsk oblast (region) in the context of Soviet ideology.
- On Science. From the Heritage of the Optina Elders
- Physicist Theodosiy Teodosiev: “One has to live with a consciousness for eternity”