Master and his disciples in the New Testament

  1. Lemma
  2. Учитель и его ученики в текстах Нового Завета
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 2002
  7. Bezrogov Vitaliy Grigorievich [Author]. Master and his disciples in the New Testament
  8. Учитель и его ученики в текстах Нового Завета. : Master and his disciples in the New Testament
  9. Bible - interpretations
    1. Vitaliy Grigorievich Bezrogov is a Russian Education Academy corresponding member, PhD in Education and History, the principal researcher of the Educational Strategies Institute (Russian Education Academy) and the author of scientific studies on the Ancient, Medieval and Modern Age education and culture history.

      Christianity is regarded as a historical and pedagogical phenomenon in the Bezrogov’s book. The work primary emphasis is placed on the image of Jesus Christ as a teacher, a Master for His disciples and for all the Christians as students of the school of Church. The other emphasis is on disciples, specifically Paul the Apostol. According to the author’s viewpoint Paul had formulated the most important pedagogical principles of Christianity.

      V.G. Bezrogov revealed in his book the way gospeler and teacher, educator and leader join in one in Christian conception. At the same time Christian master and disciple join in love with each other, and along with it the both parties of pedagogical process join with God, which makes the final goal of Christian pedagogy.